2006 – 200 Mile Day

Memphis, TN to AL

  • Start Date
    • Monday, 23OCT2006
  • End Date
    • Monday, 23OCT2006
  • Riders
    • Vance Hodges
    • Grant Hodges
    • Casey Hodges
  • Sag wagon
    • Tina Hodges
  • Total Distance (miles)
    • 200

This was a one day bike trip with the goal of riding 200 miles in a single day. My dad drove the group to Memphis, TN. There was no planned destination so we could change direction if desired. We reached Memphis around 2 AM and only managed a few hours of sleep before getting up to start riding. We started around 6:15 AM, well before sunrise. I had a flat tire, but it was fortunately the only one. We reached 200 miles around 9:45 PM, well after dark. The following day, my dad wanted to ride more, but I was too exhausted.